
I walk around with masks in my purse. Depending on the day, on my mood and on the people, I carefully choose a mask and walk around with that face.

Many times, my mask reflects my mood. But at other times, I am forced not to do that.

And these days, I've become a master of masking my feelings.
It's hard. But you get used to it.

When you fake it, and pretend to be strong. Especially strong. It's very heavy.

And then when you least expect it, on an airplane - a packed flight, while listening to "The Canadian Tenors - Hallelujah" it creeps up on you. And with no warning, and no tools to stop it, you are engulfed in all those feelings. And your mask, doesn't matter anymore.

Okay, {Whatever} I wear masks. And I hope that does not upset you. Because if I go down, I can't pull you down with me.

So I wear masks.

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