Fruit For Thought

I decided to take a quickie...break that is, from work and post something on the blog. It's been a while...miss me?

SOOO much stuff to tell you, so many things to think about bas no time to write about it.
It's 10:46 pm, I'm still at work, still got a 40 min drive home and 1 more task on the TUESDAY To-Do list to check off. But, here are today's special moments;
  • Downloaded "Art Garfunkel: I only have eyes for you" LOVE IT
  • Had a delightful conversation with one of our VPs
  • Ate a large salad bowl and drank 2 L of water
  • Shed tears for the mother of the 15 month old boy who fell to his death at Pearson Airport
  • Shared a speedy lunch with amazing friends
Whatever comes my way, I'll take it! And if I don't like it, then {whatever}.

Note: Fruit Art courtesy of Rob. I just shuttered it for you!

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