Would you drink me?

On a beautiful sunny Toronto day, we met up with friends at a restaurant downtown. The patio was great, the food was delicious and we of course needed our caffeine to end the meal with. I'd think everybody would do that, wouldn't you?
Well, 10 minutes later and a "freshly brewed" kettle make it's way to our table. Everybody is busy chit chatting and not paying attention to their coffee or caffeinated drink of choice. I, on the other hand, Miss Attention to details, stare at the cup and wonder about this icky oily happily floating around layer.
First guess, cream or milk not in great shape! But, I lean over and check out my husbands' cup to find that his black coffee had that same icky happily floating layer. Then it dawned on me...the fork I got was not that clean, the plate had dry pieces stuck to it, and now my caffeine experience is not that fab! So what do you do? Do you speak up and alienate yourself or close your eyes and drink away...

I decided to ignore my caffeine craving, pushed it aside and not complain! Surprise!!
Seriously... with the shutting down of large restaurant chains these days and the crazy H1N1 virus, restaurants and cafes need to uphold to a high standard of cleanliness both in food quality and cutlery. Our friends continue to go to this place, but I say {whatever}!

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