Remember. Forget. Remember. Forget.

  Copyright Michael Davide
What is it about us humans that makes us forget things? 
Forget the hurt. 
Forget the betrayal.
Forget the pain.

Do we do it to ease the struggle so we can move on?
Or is it to immerse ourselves in the happier moments but in order to do that, we need to get over the hurt? 

Years ago one of my good friends lost her child at a very very young age. I was pregnant at that time and I remember thinking how my friend could absolutely find the strength to move forward. Here I am carrying a child while watching a mother mourn the loss of hers. I just didn't know how she could do it. As I sat discussing this with my mother she calmly said in Arabic "Al-Insan min Al-Nisyan". Loose translation, humans are made out of forgetting things. 

10 years later I get it. 

Today what makes me forget, especially the ones that hurt, will take away the ones that made us laugh and those moments I just can't get back.

I choose Remember.

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