More than an hour for Mother Earth

Yes, it's been a while and my topic is definitely outdated. But it's been crazy and I've been so out-of-it. As I write this blog, my husband is watching his '24' series (I only watch it to support my fellow Canadian Mr. Sutherland and my husband too! ihim ihim).

On March 27, 2010, hundreds of millions of people around the world turned off their lights for an hour to demand action on climate change. Of course, our household participated but ours was for a couple of hours and until the next morning. And you know what, we actually had a lot of fun.

I realised in our house, as many others, our lives on the weekend revolved around the TV (And it took a degrading climate and WWF to force us to see that). I wanted my little girl to understand that we can have fun without the Wii or Wizards of Waverly. And with lots of love for our Earth, we fun-ned out our Saturday night and put my Pier 1 Imports candles to good use (
no worries, we warned the fire station and I certainly don't mind having them drop by just to say hi!)


 We sing to the tunes of nature as we continue to remain humbled in it's presence.

Get Ready for Earth Day on April 22

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