The Year of Change
Dear Blog,
Happy New Year.
I know I should have been more active over the holiday, but something has changed.
Don't misunderstand me...I had an amazing break.
Did lots of things. Experienced new adventures. Spent time with good friends.
Even though, I got sick, really sick...*let's say the toilet and I spent quality time for 6 hours*... I still consider this a great break.
You know what, I feel worn out. I'm all confused with mixed feelings about everything.
I am not sure what is going on. But I do know this year is going to be the year of change. How, What and When is unknown. But I do know that it will happen. I feel it. I can sense it.
I am not worried about this change. I am ready for it. For the first time in my life, I am ready for something new.
So, until the next blog post, I leave you with what brings me most joy...
Happy New Year.
I know I should have been more active over the holiday, but something has changed.
Don't misunderstand me...I had an amazing break.
Did lots of things. Experienced new adventures. Spent time with good friends.
Even though, I got sick, really sick...*let's say the toilet and I spent quality time for 6 hours*... I still consider this a great break.
You know what, I feel worn out. I'm all confused with mixed feelings about everything.
I am not sure what is going on. But I do know this year is going to be the year of change. How, What and When is unknown. But I do know that it will happen. I feel it. I can sense it.
I am not worried about this change. I am ready for it. For the first time in my life, I am ready for something new.
So, until the next blog post, I leave you with what brings me most joy...
Happy 2010. Happy Everything. Happy You.